John Wadsworth: Superfood Revolution
Before acai berries, avocados, quinoa, kale and kombucha became trendy for their nutritional profiles, one particular superfood sparked the entire craze: noni. Meet John Wadsworth, the man who first discovered this powerful superfruit — the original superfood — and introduced it to the world. It was 25 years ago when John, a young food scientist and researcher, founded Morinda®, the company that first brought the healing power of noni to market with Tahitian Noni® Juice. Today, we celebrate a new age for this pioneering entrepreneur and revolutionary product that created an entirely new category inside the health and wellness industry, with a unique video series that captures all the details. 'John Wadsworth: Superfood Revolution’ is an intimate account of the inspiring noni story that provides an inside look at a tree-to-bottle journey that has truly come full circle a quarter century later. Watch by clicking the link below